Don't miss out!

June is full of shows! Don't miss the chance to see me and/or DCB!
From FOUR nights at Club Charlie's, The Crystal Bar, Kickstand, and a special appearance by ME at Grand Rapids Pride... it's going to be a great time!

Don't forget to catch me in Bay City next month for their Pride event as well!
It's going to be a great summer!


Don't forget!!!

Don't forget to keep an eye on the Events page for updated bookings! June is FULL! And August and September have additions and changes coming! Also, keep an eye out for a little something new (I HOPE) coming in the next few months!

Change of dates!

Welcome back to James Taylor, Jr. Music!

There's been some changes over on the EVENTS page! Please check it out for June and July!
Don't forget to check out my
Instagram: jtjrmusic
Tumblr: jamestaylorjrmusic
AND FACEBOOK for pictures and updates!