Hello, monsters, goblins, and ghouls; my trans-spirit friends; all the witches, wizards, warlocks, and the like. Halloween fast approaches. And the show(s) must go on!
First, let me tell you about the parties I regular each year. This Friday night at the Adam's Apple, Flame Magazine's BEST KJ in Detroit, Karen O'Brien, is hosting BLOOD ON THE DANCEFLOOR Karaoke (and celebrating bartender Garth's birthday w/ charity organization Beautiful)! Lots of fun to be had! Sunday night is Karen's Annual BOO BASH at Gigi's. This year, it's a TIM BURTON HALLOWEEN! There's Karaoke, Videos, and Music. Best request night in Detroit!
This Saturday, however, I will be performing at the Ripcord (Bar) in Toledo, OH!
It's my "sister" Angel's Birthday Halloween and Carnival SHOW! (It's also her candidate show for Ms. MIGRA!) Come support her AND me, as well as all the other performers! It's gonna be a great show. I know that IIIIIIII have some fabulous numbers lined up for you! It's gonna be SPOOKTACULAR! See you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon! BWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA!